We have more than 10,000 unique page view every month. Thousands of people follow us on social networks. It is a very popular blog on the environment. We now have advertising opportunities open for those who want to promote their environment-related products or services. We offer the following advertising options.
Banner ads
You can place a 468 X 60 banner ad for just $50 USD every month. The space won’t be shared with others for the month.
Custom ads
We provide custom ads for your unique needs. Please email us what you want and we can design the best ad that will fulfill your requirement.
Sponsored posts
We can publish sponsored articles for you. This article will remain in our archive permanently. You only need to pay a one-time fee for your sponsored post. It will be mentioned at the end of the post that it is sponsored by you and there will be a link to your website. If you write the sponsored post then it will cost $50. If we write it for you, the charge is $100.
Guest posts
If you are a non-profit organization working for the environment then we will write a guest post for you free of charge. But we will know about your organization and the services that you provide before writing the articles.
We provide discounts if you want to advertise for a long time. Advertising on our platform is a wonderful way to increase the exposure for your brand. We hope to hear from you soon!